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Why addiction turns decent people into monsters

Addiction is a terrible disease, which changes people from decent individuals, with jobs, friends and families to monsters who are only interested in getting their fix. It’s devastating for families to see their loved ones transform into these awful people, and the addicts themselves feel huge amounts of shame for their behaviours, yet without the right support, they are powerless to stop and make a real change.

However, even if you, or your loved one is at very rock bottom, and has destroyed so many aspects of their lives and blown-up so many relationships, there is hope. Addiction treatment is highly effective! We know, without doubt, that with will, effort and the right support, absolutely anyone can get clean and sober.

Once that happens, and the journey of recovery begins, the monster falls away and the decent person that you were before regains control. It can be a long journey back and you’ll have a lot of rebuilding to do, but believe us – it is possible.

From Monster to Family Man and Business Owner

One of our Co-Founders Howard Silver knows just how bad it can get, but also how wonderful life can be once you have your sobriety. He started using prescription drugs from the age of 16. Despite being highly successful in business, with a family he adored, he didn’t feel happy. At 34 he started using cocaine, moving on to heroin a few years later and his life fell apart. He was arrested several times and was at the very rock bottom before he was able to get the right treatment and start his road to recovery. He has now been clean and sober for 36 years, has a wonderful family and dedicates himself to others, supporting them through this difficult journey and showing them by example, that real change is possible.

He has never forgotten how bad things got and the depths to which the addiction took him, but he has forgiven himself, as he knows he was not in control.

He explains, “Addicts do not have morals. They don’t care if the substances they need are legal or illegal, they will do anything they have to do to get their fix. Nothing else matters! You will lie, cheat, hurt the ones you love, break laws…., anything to get what you need.

It is nothing to do with intelligence or standing in society, success, or whether you come from a ‘good’ family or not. Once addiction takes hold you become ruthless and will often do unthinkable things to have that drink, or take that pill.  

Addiction turns you into a monster, as it’s the only thing you can think about. Because of the total fixation you have of drinking or using, you lose your morals and your understanding of the consequences of your actions. This is why so many addicts lose everything and end up in prison – the addiction is in control.

But this does not mean that an addict is a bad person! That is so important to remember, for the family and the addict themselves.”

Strive to rediscover the decent person underneath

“It is the addiction driving the behaviour, not a reflection on who that person is. Over time, and following the 12 steps, you can get back to the good, decent, honest person you were before and regain your dignity. 

I know from my own experience and helping hundreds of addicts over the years, that with the right help anyone can get clean and sober, stop the chaos and stop the addiction having control. It is never too late to do it.  

We had a client who was 72 years old and had been an alcoholic all his life, with a lifetime of memories of the pain and shame of addiction. He finally reached the point where he knew he needed to change and committed to his recovery 100%, with so much determination and spirit. We were so humbled to help him to start this journey and try to heal some of the hurt between him and his family and he was a wonderful example that you are never too old to get sober.” You can read his story on our website.

How we can help you

We help people to rediscover themselves without the substances, build bridges, apologise for the hurt and forgive yourself, because we know that once the addiction takes hold that people are powerless. But with good rehabilitation care you can regain power, control and rediscover your moral compass – it’s never too late.

Take the first step toward ridding yourself of addiction and moving away from the monster back to you, by getting in touch today.