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Executive Addiction Program in Spain

Did you know that high-powered achievers are more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol than the general population, yet they are more reluctant to seek help? Our Executive Addiction Program has been designed to help these top professionals to get the help that they need.

A very interesting article in Forbes quotes David Linden, PhD, about why the brains of high-powered people may be more prone to addiction. He claims that the traits that make a good CEO, are similar to the common traits we find in addicts, and those who derive pleasure from success and risk, have the same brain pathways that lead from substance use, to substance abuse.

Another connection between success and substance abuse is that in high-powered roles, stress, anxiety and exhaustion are normal. Stress and addiction are closely linked, and turning to drugs or alcohol as coping mechanisms to pressure is very common. But unfortunately, these high flyers often don’t get the treatment they so desperately need, for fear of losing their jobs or underperforming and being exposed as an addict.

Making the decision to go into rehab and seek help for addictions is hard and is often made harder by professional commitments and work pressures. Yet with bespoke rehab programmes it is possible to keep your job and protect your reputation at work. We work with our clients to deliver the addiction treatment they need, while allowing them to keep up with work if they need to, and always guarantee total discretion.

In this article, we’ll be exploring the barriers to seeking addiction help that executives and company owners face, how these can be managed and offer an example of how we’ve helped clients to achieve a long-term recovery, while keeping their jobs and protecting their reputation. 

Common fears about going to rehab for professionals

Many people seeking treatment for drug or alcohol addiction may be reluctant to come to rehab for fear of losing a job. This is an understandable concern and one that addiction professionals must take seriously, as their jobs may be the only thing that is keeping their addiction under some kind of control. Their jobs are very often supporting their families as well and keeping their jobs is of the utmost importance to the whole family.

Others, who might be in high-level positions at work, may feel the burden of responsibilities that cannot be ignored while they’re in rehab. These individuals may feel that treatment, and the time away from their companies, might negatively impact business.

Furthermore, individuals in leadership roles may hesitate to enter rehab because of the stigma and the fear that seeking help for drug or alcohol addiction might damage their reputation among colleagues, clients, and peers.

Here at The Bridge, we understand these fears, concerns and logistical issues and have designed Executive Addiction programs to be able to help you, in the way you need to be helped. These programs are tailored to the specific needs of busy professionals who require treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse. We have seen first hand that it really works, and that your career does not need to suffer because of going to rehab.

Executive Addiction Treatment in practice

We had a client who had a high-powered business, and did not want his work to know about his addiction, or his business to suffer, but he knew he needed help with his addiction to alcohol and cocaine. On talking to him, we all decided that residential rehabilitation was better for him, due to the severity of his issues and therefore needed to come up with a solution for combining his treatment, with his job.

Before beginning in-patient treatment with us, he let us know the schedule he had for business meetings during his stay at The Bridge. When planning his bespoke addiction treatment program, we worked his treatment schedule to allow time for these online meetings and allocated time for him to work in peace at suitable times.

After some weeks, he needed to travel abroad for a work trip. He was fearful of losing all the progress he had made, but needed to make the trip, so we provided him with support to enable him to do it safely, without risking his sobriety. He worked hard with our therapists on relapse prevention in the run up to the trip, and we made a plan for him to check in with The Bridge twice daily, attend online 12-step meetings, and a set time to leave any meetings or social events each evening. He was able to complete the trip, and return to our luxury rehabilitation centre in Marbella feeling very confident and proud of what he achieved.

He was with us for a further 2 weeks following the trip, continuing work and treatment and building a strong foundation for lasting recovery. When he left us, he had significantly improved mental clarity and was better able to make decisions and lead his company. He was also equipped with stress management tools and techniques and an inner strength and confidence to take into his business and into his family life. It was great to see him excited about what life had in store and so proud of himself for succeeding in recovery, as he was so used to succeed in his business.  

How we cater to high-powered clients

Every one of our clients is unique, and we work with them to achieve their goals and fit addiction treatment in with their lives.

For our clients with demanding jobs, who require residential rehabilitation programmes we offer –  

  • WIFI access, a private room and space to work
  • A flexible program to suit work needs
  • Discretion and privacy
  • A calm environment, with time to dedicate to business and to personal growth
  • Stress management techniques  
  • Support with needs to travel

As we’re located in the popular holiday destination of Marbella, the early, intensive addiction treatment period can be explained away by a need for a family holiday. You will return from your annual leave with a tan, looking and feeling better than ever. You’ll have a clearer head and hugely improved ability to do your job and your colleagues never need to know. We’ll keep supporting you on your return to ensure that you keep on the right path.

If it’s not possible to stay away from the office beyond a two week “holiday”, we can continue treating you when you get home with an online addiction treatment programme and remote support, combined with local 12-step meetings.

We are also able to communicate with employers if required, to explain the situation and safeguard jobs, while allowing time away from work for intensive recovery. While it might feel scary to tell your employers, and you may feel ashamed to come clean, we can assure you that employers are always understanding and accommodating and want you to be well. We’ve dealt with hundreds of bosses and have always seen that they will make special allowances for your treatment, as they would with a health condition or illness.

Why your career will be better than ever after rehab?

When you’re struggling with an addiction, you’re always scared that you’ll be found out and your focus is always partly on how to get your next fix. You are also always at risk of making mistakes, or taking bad decisions while drunk or high, that can negatively affect your business and your professional reputation. Not only that, but alcohol and drugs can make us tired, irritable, and paranoid and cause brain fog, issues which make it harder for us to perform at our best.

When you are clean and sober, you will be able to really think clearly for the first time in years. That fog and anxiety that’s been hanging around you will disappear and you will be able to function at a level that you haven’t done since you started drinking heavily or taking drugs. With the right tools for managing stress and continued support from our addiction specialists, your life and your career will be better than ever and you will really see your true potential.

No matter your job, or your professional responsibilities, you can stop drinking and taking drugs and beat your addiction. If you’re ready to try, we’re here to help you. Contact us today to find out more about our Executive Addiction Treatment Programs and let’s make a plan for combining addiction treatment with career success.