Ahead of Mother’s Day we wanted to say thank you to all the Mums, who have got in touch with us to get help for their children. Their love, understanding, acceptance and care has led to them identifying that their child has a problem, and taking the very brave step of reaching out for help on their behalf.
These calls, the encouragement and often financial support from mothers enables them to get the help they so desperately need and turn their lives around. We know how hard it is for the Mum to make that call, as they often feel that they have failed, or their children’s addiction is somehow their fault or responsibility. But this intervention is often lifesaving.
Recently, we’ve been blown away by courageous Mums from the UAE, who have decided to help their child face their addiction, despite cultural pressure to push it under the carpet. They have sought help for their children, in their 20s and 30s, and shown them that it is OK to admit you have a problem, even in a society when drinking alcohol is not allowed. They have come to us asking for help for their sons or daughters and been the one to take that step when their child was not able.
Many of these clients have come reluctantly, due to pressure from their Mums, but once they arrive, they understand, and are so grateful for the help. Together with their amazing Mums, they face their addiction, knowing that they have support and love from the most important person in their lives and that she is proud of them for their hard work and dedication.
Having the support of your Mum, partner, or kids, makes a massive difference when you leave rehab and return home. That support structure dramatically increases the chance of a long-term recovery.
Mums – we salute you!
How to get help for your child?
If you are seeing your child struggle, we know it’s hard. It is distressing to see your child change and become someone you don’t recognise. Sadly, addiction turns good people into monsters, so try to understand that it is the addiction you’re seeing, not the person and don’t give up hope.
The first step to take, if you’re worried your child is an addict, is to try to talk to them about it. Take them to a quiet place, where you can be alone and explain why you are worried. Make sure you’re telling them how much you love them and that you’re here to help them through it all, but are also clear about the seriousness of the issue.
Listen and let them talk openly and honestly, without judgement. Or if they don’t feel comfortable to speak to you, suggest they speak to their doctor, a counsellor or an addiction professional. You can offer to arrange the appointment, and pay for it if money is an issue for them, as this is a vital first step.
If they are open to seeking help, then finding your local AA or NA Group is an excellent idea. If you can find out the time and place of the meetings, and offer to take them and bring them back again, then you are demonstrating your support and making it as easy as possible for them to start their journey to a life without addiction.
If the addiction has spiralled to a dangerous level and they are expressing fear and lack of belief that they can do it at home, surrounded by temptations and bad influences, then residential rehab is a good option. Many parents prefer this, as they know they are in a safe place, receiving intensive addiction treatment and that they are able to check in on their children and get updates.
Not all rehabilitation centres are open to family involvement, but at The Bridge, we think it’s essential. We involve the families throughout the rehabilitation process, offering support with building broken bonds and establishing a strong foundation of support for when clients leave. We also offer family therapy, to help them heal from the impact that the addiction has had on them.
If you are worried and want help for your child, no matter how old they are, take the step that they cannot and reach out to a professional. This could be a GP, it could be the leader of your local AA group, or it could be the team at an addiction recovery centre like ours. They can advise you on the best thing to do in your individual situation and give you practical information and support for dealing with the impact of any behaviour.
Making that call, or appointment on their behalf, could save their lives.
Contact us and together we can help them overcome their addiction.